Jul 1, 2021 | Announcement, Beauty, Blog, How To, July 2021
When we started AFL, we wanted to build a community of women, 40 and older, who wanted to see more of themselves reflected in the billion-dollar influencer space. We then dreamed of making a boatload of money, curating collections for some of our favorite brands,...
Jan 3, 2021 | Beauty, Blog, How To, January 2021, Winter
Happy 2021 everyone! We made it! My first Instagram post of the year listed a few Intentions and Goals for the next 12 months, all of which revolve around taking better care of myself both mentally and physically. I specifically committed to a level of healthcare and...
Sep 9, 2020 | Beauty, Blog, Fall, How To, Personal Style, September 2020
The first time I ever donned a set of false eyelashes, I was a senior in high school taking a full load of honors courses plus two freshman college courses, was editor of the yearbook, captain of the drill team, and student council treasurer. And although I was born...
Aug 5, 2020 | August 2020, Beauty, Blog, Fashion, How To, Lifestyle, Real Talk
A few things to know about me: A) I am a proud LGBT mom; B) Pre-pandemic I did not watch a lot of television. With lockdown the perfect excuse to watch a serious amount of shows. One of the first ones that I watched was RuPaul’s Drag Race. As an ally to the community,...
May 5, 2020 | At Home, Beauty, Blog, Lifestyle, May 2020, Real Talk
With week 8 of the global pandemic upon us, now more than ever, we are all working from home. This column was supposed to be focused around my early morning hacks for a stylish school drop-off before a day of working from my home office. Well, minus the school...
Sep 9, 2019 | Beauty, Blog, Fashion, How To, Lifestyle, September 2019, Uncategorized
We’ve all been there… fed up with nothing fitting, having packed on some extra lbs and suddenly everything in your closet has shrunk. After my divorce, and leaving my career, starting a new business, managing some pretty heavy diagnoses for my kiddo as well as some...