Thank you for crazy clothes.
And crazier friends that believe in you more than you believe in yourself.
Who understands your particular brand of crazy.
As well as your particular style of dress.
And who always thinks of you first when they spot a great deal.
Thank you to followers who think we are worth their time in a year when time became more valuable than we ever thought possible.
And to fellow creators who have encouraged us every step of the way and who embody community over competition.
We are grateful for the new connections we made as we all figured out new ways to keep connected to each other and our own humanity.
Thank you to our families who now know what unboxings, #sponcon, and affiliate links are. And who are more invested in our follower counts than we are.
And to everyone who hunkered down (is hunkering down) and did (is doing) their part to make sure we all survived this crazy year while staying as healthy and sane as possible.
We are thankful for our health and the health of those we love. Something we will never take for granted again.
Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.
Photography by Breezy Ritter and Chie Endo