Sep 3, 2019 | 1 Item 2 Ways, August 2019, Blog, Cocktail Wear, Current Trend, Fall, Fashion, How To, Lifestyle, Motherhood Chic, OOTD, Outings, Trend, Uncategorized, Work Wear
I have a thing for suits, especially statement ones. Whether I can take my time planning how to style my suit or I just need to grab something and go, suits are such an easy way to look put together and polished. Even as a stay-at-home-mom, I found ways to wear the...
Jun 25, 2019 | 1 Item 2 Ways, Blog, Fashion, High Low Fashion, June 2019, Lifestyle, Mom Chic, On The Go Fashion, OOTD, Outings, Second Hand Market, Summer, Winter, Work Wear
Do people still believe that suits = boring? I remember watching the fashion classic What Not To Wear and becoming frustrated with people who equated presentable and professional with monotonous and uninspiring – almost as if there are only two extremes when it comes...
Apr 16, 2019 | 1 Item 2 Ways, April 2019, Blog, Fashion, Lifestyle, OOTD, Spring, Work Wear
As people who are old enough to remember when pantyhose were required workwear, these two fashionistas LOVE the more relaxed, almost anything goes office dress code that more and more industries are adopting (and if you work in a more conservative environment where...